Dating someone with vastly different political views?

Normally if you're liberal and the chick is Republican she'll usually let it slide. It's the opposite where you'll struggle. Liberals are horribly closed minded people if you don't align with their views and will use basic talking points like you're racist and misogynist with no substance behind it. The NPC meme is about as accurate as you can think. Just go to the Lounge in the War Room if you want to see NPC's in action.

Sure. Go to the sherdog War Room sub to gain actual insight into real world shit.

Most people's political views are built on nothing other than crowd following. Just speak rationally and respectful and which ever one of you has put more thought into their stance will likely relent.

It depends rather on your own views I'd say, the liberal/conservative divide tends to be based on social issues people are much less likely to climb down on and is IMHO deliberately set up in that fashion.

A genuine left wing view on the other hand tends to be much easier to convince someone around to "yes you are getting fucked over but not by immigrates, by the ultra wealthy" obviously has alot more to offer, alot of right wingers really have the same distrust of the establishment.
Normally if you're liberal and the chick is Republican she'll usually let it slide. It's the opposite where you'll struggle. Liberals are horribly closed minded people if you don't align with their views and will use basic talking points like you're racist and misogynist with no substance behind it. The NPC meme is about as accurate as you can think. Just go to the Lounge in the War Room if you want to see NPC's in action.
I second this. I've always found conservatives to be much more tolerant or at least not make such a big deal about opposite viewpoints.
I could never be with a staunch Trump supporter and I wouldn't let anyone convince me "in due time". You clearly know some weak willed women if you're using that as some benchmark.
Agree. I’ve dated girls with more conservative views, that’s not necessarily an issue for me. A staunch Trump supporter or alt-right type chick is a no go. If I was single they’d be one night stand material only.
Sounds like the recipe for fantastic grudge sex. It don't get much better than that.
I could never be with a staunch Trump supporter and I wouldn't let anyone convince me "in due time". You clearly know some weak willed women if you're using that as some benchmark.
Lets have coffee sometime :)
I’m a very left-leaning guy but it was hilarious to watch my last girlfriend and her upper-middle-class white girlfriends chastise me, who grew up below the poverty line, on politics/economic theory because I’m a straight white guy.
I've been going out with this girl a for about a month or so, known her for much longer though. I feel like we click, we have similar personalities and senses of humor. She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like. I am not one to rub my political views in people's faces, but I am conservative and I disagree with her on very many of her views.

What would you do ? Just trying to get some opinions on this.

I remember I had a first date with a girl, at some point of the date she started talking about helping refugees and saying bad things about Trump.

It was a turn-off, for sure.
Lmao at mansplaining on a first date and being surprised it didn't go well. What a terrible first date topic. You need to get them to like and respect you first before you try to change their mind on controversial topics. This goes for anyone, not just women.

It wasn't a first date. I had been banging her for weeks.

She also has a tattoo on her leg of a girl bound and tied with a ball gag in her mouth. But I'm the misogynist lmao
I never said which of her opinions I disagree with, and I consider myself to be a good listener. No, I haven't completely thought out my views or done a whole lot of research in politics, it wasn't a huge concern of mine, to be honest. But I'm not opposed to doing it or even sitting down with her and having her explain some stuff. My main concern was this dividing us right off the bat.

I am all ears when she, or anyone else, talks. I was just wondering to what extent y'all think someone's political views matter in a relationship.

I don’t actually think she should dump you. But I do feel strongly about politics and get involved because I feel like working people get a raw ass deal and it chafes me sir. Chafes me where I prefer to remain unchafed

I think you and her will work out just fine as long as you respect that fact that she has some, perhaps “sacred beliefs”, that you don’t share. But I could date someone religious pretty easily and just not bring it up, as long as they’re good humoured about it.

And you know, some people like a challenge in a relationship. They like to fight and argue and fuck. Maybe you and her could have some great arguments would learn stuff from each other, and also be fine afterwards and still enjoy each other’s company.
In my experience, the lefties are so radical and hateful of people with other opinions, even if you have good arguments and facts to support your ideas they will dismiss you like you are nuts. You are instanly a racist and stufif if you didn;t drink the woke kool aid.
So its kinda hard to date a leftie because everything is politics these days.
Also i dont think think overly emotional and intellectually lazy people are attractive, not a single one of the people i know who support the lefties has actually read Biden's policy plans and still think the protests are mostly peaceful or that BLM is a organisation started by trained Marxists.
Even a hot looking chick can get unattractive real fast.
She is supporting those causes because being a good person is important to her and rightly or wrongly she sees that as a part of being a good person.

How throughly thought out are your views? Do you even really give a shit about politics?

Sounds like you have the chance to date a decent girl who isn’t an idiot and has an abundance of concern for others in her heart. Personally I think she should dump you.
funniest post i've read today
it's so presumptive