Dating someone with vastly different political views?

Most people's political views are built on nothing other than crowd following. Just speak rationally and respectful and which ever one of you has put more thought into their stance will likely relent.
I've been going out with this girl a for about a month or so, known her for much longer though. I feel like we click, we have similar personalities and senses of humor. She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like. I am not one to rub my political views in people's faces, but I am conservative and I disagree with her on very many of her views.

What would you do ? Just trying to get some opinions on this.
This is gonna be pretty much the norm for you (dating non-conservative). Most girls esp the younger they are, are more left leaning.
You're values have to be in sync for this to work.

As far as politically, disagree with her and she will likely come to your side on it in due time. Women don't care about politics nearly as much as they act like they do, surely not enough to engage with you intellectually.
I could never be with a staunch Trump supporter and I wouldn't let anyone convince me "in due time". You clearly know some weak willed women if you're using that as some benchmark.
I've been going out with this girl a for about a month or so, known her for much longer though. I feel like we click, we have similar personalities and senses of humor. She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like. I am not one to rub my political views in people's faces, but I am conservative and I disagree with her on very many of her views.

What would you do ? Just trying to get some opinions on this.

Me and wife are similar but not identical in political views, so it's not a big deal, I try to politely correct her if it's something that I know she's factually wrong about, but that's it. If you're MAGA and she's a left wingnut, i don't see that working in the long run tho tbh
I dated a far left girl around the time trump got elected. It was awful. I kid you not she melted down crying, going on about gay people being killed in the streets type stuff. Bananas crazy stuff.

Would not recommend.
I dated a far left girl around the time trump got elected. It was awful. I kid you not she melted down crying, going on about gay people being killed in the streets type stuff. Bananas crazy stuff.

Would not recommend.
but was the sexing good?
but was the sexing good?

Mediocre at best. So, not a lot to balance out the ol scales there.
I do feel bad about ghosting her so hard though.

Btw, long time no see CHL, hope you’re well.
This is why the polls are so far off IMO.

Trump cultists know that no women will go within 10 feet of them if they wear their MAGA hat in public or openly admit to all the nonsense they believe, so they pretend to be normal unless they are either in the voting booth or anonymous online. They blame the intolerant left (which does have some validity and cancel culture is stupid) but they also are embarrassed about their love and adoration for Trump and they know if anyone questioned them in person to back up their beliefs, they wouldn't have an answer because they can only communicate via far right twitter troll tweets.

You don't seem biased in anyway mate
Both as bad as each other IMO.
I dated a Hillary supporter for three year's. She would go on how Trump was Hitler and say that all people who supporter him where evil people. I would just let her talk for a bit then I would slap her on the bum and tell her to go get naked so we can have anger sex. Almost worked everytime
Normally if you're liberal and the chick is Republican she'll usually let it slide. It's the opposite where you'll struggle. Liberals are horribly closed minded people if you don't align with their views and will use basic talking points like you're racist and misogynist with no substance behind it. The NPC meme is about as accurate as you can think. Just go to the Lounge in the War Room if you want to see NPC's in action.

Non player character?
Related, I was on a date with a much younger girl recently and she brought up how the cops had been called to her apartment building for domestic violence disturbances.

Somehow from there we began talking about violence against women, and I brought up Gavin DeBecker's book The Gift of Fear. DeBecker posits that female victims of rape and assault often are unable to be "rude" enough to stop their attackers from slowly intruding upon their personal space. IE, he recounts a victim's testimony of how, against her better judgement, she let her future rapist into her apartment incrementally. First she let him help her with her groceries, then she let him into her apartment. The entire time she had a sick feeling in her stomach and was scared of the guy, but didn't act upon her fear. The idea is that women in western society are conditioned to be agreeable, friendly and accomodating, in general, but that a would-be victim should listen to her gut instincts and NOT let a man who is scaring you, into your apartment.

My date argued with me a bit about how to her, it doesn't matter if a victim says no or not, the predator will just come back later.

I countered by saying that research shows that most predators look for weak victims, not necessarily specific victims. That's why elderly women and children are often their targets, and not strong-appearing people.

She made an excuse to end the date early.

The next day, over text, she called me a disgusting mysoginist who has an ideology of victim-blaming. She said that she "shouldn't have to be a bitch to not get raped. Men should just learn not to rape people."
I linked her to deBecker's work, citations, sources etc and she told me I was clearly trying to justify raping women.

She ended the convo by telling me to never fucking text her again.

So my point is, bitches be crazy.

Lmao at mansplaining on a first date and being surprised it didn't go well. What a terrible first date topic. You need to get them to like and respect you first before you try to change their mind on controversial topics. This goes for anyone, not just women.
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Give me 3 examples of this.

I could never date someone who used the words beta and alpha in 3 sentences/

Well, my wife and my two girlfriends prior to her are three examples for you. The guy you’re replying to was mostly right. I’ll admit that you’re probably not changing a girl who’s a dyed in the wool SJW but it’s entirely common for females to default to a passive, virtue signaly progressivism that they don’t really believe in and will gladly abandon for the sake of harmony in their relationships.
Well, my wife and my two girlfriends prior to her are three examples for you. The guy you’re replying to was mostly right. I’ll admit that you’re probably not changing a girl who’s a dyed in the wool SJW but it’s entirely common for females to default to a passive, virtue signaly progressivism that they don’t really believe in and will gladly abandon for the sake of harmony in their relationships.
Fuck that, I’m glad I have the strength to stand by my own convictions.
She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like.

BLM and genuine are contradicting terms. The entire movement is based on lies.
I've been going out with this girl a for about a month or so, known her for much longer though. I feel like we click, we have similar personalities and senses of humor. She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like. I am not one to rub my political views in people's faces, but I am conservative and I disagree with her on very many of her views.

What would you do ? Just trying to get some opinions on this.

I'd get a pizza, probably spinach and feta well done, and maybe watch a movie. Then try to get her pants off. Maybe not in that order.
I've been going out with this girl a for about a month or so, known her for much longer though. I feel like we click, we have similar personalities and senses of humor. She also seems really genuine.

The only problem is, she is one of those people who constantly posts and talks about BLM and defund the police and the like. I am not one to rub my political views in people's faces, but I am conservative and I disagree with her on very many of her views.

What would you do ? Just trying to get some opinions on this.

I dated a beautiful, amazing woman who had a good job and a caring personality. Loved her, but she was hardcore into astrology, conspiracy theories, anti-vaxx, the whole thing. We broke up and I dated someone who I saw eye to eye with ideologically instead. Now I’m happy.

so go do that. It’s a awesome.
What exactly are you disagreeing with?

I disagree as well based on my own experience. I've had luck with both women with whom I shared opinions and those I didn't. I also have had zero luck with both on other cases.

I think you're painting with a broad brush. Though to be honest I've never used that phrase before.