Dana White - Motivational Speech


Oct 18, 2017
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I came across this video on Youtube. Dana sharing his wisdom. It's actually a pretty good speech. Worth the listen.

Never trust a man that sleeps with Ronda.
1. Become friends with the Fertitta brothers.
2. Get rich.
I will always clown on Dana for his lies and shady shit, but there is no doubt homie is one straight hustlin' mo-fo.

He's built an Empire, from the ground up.
You follow me like a pet dog. But I like how you're trying to become my friend by liking my posts. I still haven't changed my opinion about you.

Andddd there it is. I am civil and level headed. I could teach you how to be.

You can call me daddy.
Dude says he can't stand 3 day weekends, he wants to be monday.

Can't deny this guy is a workoholic.


I'm not a fan of his, but even I can't say he doesn't work his ass off.
Do you wanna be a fucking fighter? - Dana F. White

That is all the motivation you need from the goof almighty.
He's a lying sack of shit but i'm sure most of us will miss the bald father when he retires.

It's one of those things where you know that for all his faults whoever they get to replace him eventually will be worse somehow
Dude was friends with a millionaire and he helped him out. He didn't build his success.