a motivated penn would have choked out that bannerBJ didn't seem too fond either
he's a psychopathman, its crazy how dana white behaves.. im leaving the armchair psychology to my sherbros, but SERIOUSLY WHATS WRONG with someone whos ALWAYS ANGRY AND AGRESSIVE TOWARDS basically everybody that doesnt bend over to him ? his own employees, competitors, former friends, reporters.
cant watch vid
any cliff ?
what happened with mike swick ?
man, its crazy how dana white behaves.. im leaving the armchair psychology to my sherbros, but SERIOUSLY WHATS WRONG with someone whos ALWAYS ANGRY AND AGRESSIVE TOWARDS basically everybody that doesnt bend over to him ? his own employees, competitors, former friends, reporters.
man, its crazy how dana white behaves.. im leaving the armchair psychology to my sherbros, but SERIOUSLY WHATS WRONG with someone whos ALWAYS ANGRY AND AGRESSIVE TOWARDS basically everybody that doesnt bend over to him ? his own employees, competitors, former friends, reporters.
This ALWAUS gets me ! He was SO out of it . I talked to peeps in the know in his camp and they said that being that they were fighting after midnight , that BJ was exhausted as he hadn’t slept much during the week . He sure looked like it . Reflexes of a sloth that night .BJ didn't seem too fond either
BJ looking like his ear was getting some surprise side penisBJ didn't seem too fond either