D.B. Cooper: Case Closed? tv special on history channel


Titanium Belt
Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Did anyone see pt 1 last night? Ep 2. airs tonight. Pretty interesting. I don't want to ruin it because the picture and new suspect isn't revealed until the end. The new suspect is
named Robert Rackstraw (he's still alive). A vietnam vet with all kinds of training who was let go because he lied about going to college.
I can't find his picture comparison on the internet yet. I guess it's still too new.

But wow. That guy really looked like the sketch. I'm interested in hearing the evidence in ep two.

I've always been interested in the shows on tv but it's nothing i've ever read too much about. Anyone interested?

When they showed Marla Cooper who was the niece of L.D. Cooper (a previously interesting suspect that recently came out) you realize she was completely batshit crazy and was going on about insane things while she was being interviewed. If you just read the stories from the time they leave out all the crazy stuff. It makes your realize most of what you read online is really cherry picked to fit narratives. :(

edit.. Updated screen grabs of pictures of him..



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DB cooper got locked up in fox river

I believe he went under the name Charles Westmoreland
The guy that found the money wiht his kid back in the day also had an interesting segment when they confronted him and made it seem like he was told where the money was and found it on purpose. His reaction was very odd, to say the least.

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Yes, I saw it. Missed The Night Of and Ray Donovan because of it. The Marla Cooper bit seemed kinda meh, but the reaction out of the "hippy" was interesting. And the teaser for Bob (especially that FBI interview) the 2 investigative journalists have pegged as DB was bizarre as fuck
Is he from Oregan? I remember Chael being adament on JRE the first time that DB was a family friend.
Yes, I saw it. Missed The Night Of and Ray Donovan because of it. The Marla Cooper bit seemed kinda meh, but the reaction out of the "hippy" was interesting. And the teaser for Bob (especially that FBI interview) the 2 investigative journalists have pegged as DB was bizarre as fuck

2nd episode looks pretty legit. Nothing will come of it, but they're going to the actual FBI files, and going to be able to see the actual files, and the actual evidence locker. Open up the papers cooper filled out to get on the plane. See the money and the parachutes from the plane. Plus it looks like they'll talk to the people on the plane for the first time in interviews in decades. They'll also show them pictures of the new suspects.
I thought Kenneth Christiansen was DB Cooper.

ha. Yeah, Brad Meltzer's shit show had one amazing episdode and it was that one. That was convincing as well. I'm not sure what the argument against him is.
I need to watch this
Art Bell must right now have the biggest boner west of the Rockies at hearing this news.
History channel?

They must fit Hitler and aliens into the show somehow, or it wouldn't be televised.

I know: DB Cooper was Hitler and he went to outer space with the money he stole, and lives with Nazi aliens now.
Just refreshed myself on the whole thing. I think if any of the prime suspects are actually D.B it's Christansen or the Mccoy guy.
Every time I see that composite, I think he looks like that one scrub detective off of Psych.