Crowder is back and what have you.

Wow! Big Crowder, it's good to see you take life by the jugular, and rip its life force free with your ass cheeks. Good job sir.

Isn't Tubes the guy who bragged about having mountains of cash? How quickly the mighty have fallen.

Steven did you know I'm very good looking? Zop loves me, and he's practically an authority on the subject. Give me work.
It's going to b hard for me to hit black belt with the 25 second limit between posts.

Tubes, I'll loan you some scratch if you shave your head.
God and stand-up don't mix. It's a fact.

Actually, Jesus told a crippled fella to stand up, take the mat he was carried in on, and go home, and the guy did.

Congratulations, Steven. I have a hard time imaginin' you as a frat guy, so I may hafta watch the show just to see that. Any info on when your episodes will be on?