Critical mass/wmma


Orange Belt
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Did that article really just compare the reign of Anderson silva to wmma? Was the author high or just so afraid of political correctness that he cant bring him self to just simply state the facts. Wmma is the V league. Not B, not C, not D...all the way to v. It's terrible. No one likes it and should not be on a UFC card with VERY FEW exceptions.

Political correctness has no place in sports or entertainment
TS is looking for a few good men.
Did that article really just compare the reign of Anderson silva to wmma? Was the author high or just so afraid of political correctness that he cant bring him self to just simply state the facts. Wmma is the V league. Not B, not C, not D...all the way to v. It's terrible. No one likes it and should not be on a UFC card with VERY FEW exceptions.

Political correctness has no place in sports or entertainment
When making a thread about a particular article, it's always a good idea to link the article..

You must be one with the cockpussy now , its all about the cockpussy & cockpussy bathrooms .
Usually the only people who complain about “political correctness” are people too dumb too realize that the topic is not about political correctness.
What article? TS should have posted a link. If they're saying that the standard of wmma is coming on leaps and bounds then they're right. Most people who saw 19 year old Maycee Barber fighting last night would agree with that, a real talent.
Did that article really just compare the reign of Anderson silva to wmma? Was the author high or just so afraid of political correctness that he cant bring him self to just simply state the facts. Wmma is the V league. Not B, not C, not D...all the way to v. It's terrible. No one likes it and should not be on a UFC card with VERY FEW exceptions.

Political correctness has no place in sports or entertainment

You are a fucking moron.
Front page of sherdog. Same title as the post.

Side note: I will be re-using btards comment because it is hilarious (if I wasnt the OP in this case)
Did TS just make a thread about an article without a link to the fucking article ?

What the fuck is wrong with some of you ?

Sad to say.... but Ronda was WMMA. Doesn't look like they will be hitting those numbers ever again.