Creating a Culture of Consent In Your Home

Johnny Mac

Feb 6, 2018
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Sexuality ‘Expert’ Says Parents Should Ask Consent Before Changing Their Babies’ Diapers

A woman who describes herself as a sexuality expert and educator said parents should ask if it’s okay and make sure their babies give consent to change their diapers before parents do so.

Deanne Carson, a vocal advocate of consent in all arenas of life, went on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Thursday and stated bluntly that parents should make sure that babies, even newborns from birth, give consent before parents change their soiled diapers.


Liberals are getting more loony by the day. Talk amongst yourselves and discuss
Please tell me this is the onion.



And I don’t like to use that word, but there’s nothing better to describe her.
Since minors can't "consent" to anything, parents should probably get their own permission first.
When the diaper is loaded and the baby is uncomfortable with a rash, idiots like her don't come to mind.
We need to create a culture of consent for thread starting.
Jesus motherfucking Christ!!! What in the literal fuck? What about babies who can't fucking talk?
We need to create a culture of consent for thread starting.

What's wrong with this thread? This is what the Left is actually saying. Get busy defending it, or acknowledge that the backlash is justified.
Is it possible blue and pink hair dyes are causing brain damage?
Not remotely surprised to see that this chick is a garden variety she-beast with clown hair. She probably believes in bullshit like Patriarchy, rape culture, the wage gap, etc. (nsert random cosmic force that removes accountability from women). I blame white men for letting their women run amok like this.
Exactly 0 people who have ever changed a diaper in their lives think this is a good idea.

I have to ask whether the real problem is not that some random stupid lady has stupid ideas, but that ABC News in this case, (in other cases CNN or MSNBC or FOX) air these reports as if these people were some sort of expert.
Hey Rip, how much time do you spend searching for this stuff?