International Crazy-world accelerating: Mexican troops disarmed American soldiers on US soil

And no one sees a problem with armed foreign troops on American soil?
So what do you think the Border Patrol agents should have done in that situation?
What should be done about the situation now?
War on drugs is a failure? Yeah, no shit sherlock.

How is the war on drugs going in America BTW, you guys have like 6 times the resources per capita and your people are less desperate economically.

Have you actually "won" the war on drugs?

If you guys stopped demanding drugs from Mexico, maybe we would be able to do something, because so far, we pay our law enforcement in pesos while drug dealers pay in dollars.

Let me tell you what the real problem is Rod, you need to start telling your people to stop with that accordion shit and give me more of know songs I can actually sing to my lady again

Then we can worry about the drugs
Let me tell you what the real problem is Rod, you need to start telling your people to stop with that accordion shit and give me more of know songs I can actually sing to my lady again

Accordion shit is party music, that song you put is drunk as fuck, broken heart songs.

There have been 8500 killings in Mexico this year, supposably their president is doing away with the corrupt federalize and replacing them with a new force