Crawford vs Lundy RBR

I like this Verdejo kid. Should be an exciting bout.
I like what I've seen of Verdejo so far. I look forward to him moving past the prospect stage.
Time for some boxing action! hope the fights are as entertaining as Silva/Bisping.
I gonna catch the showtime broadcast later, no spoilers please
Some technical difficulties, can't even hear the commentary lol
I'm glad they have Roy back tonight and not Hopkins.
I like Max, too. This is the good set-up with Jim, Max, Roy, IMO.
Close round. Slight edge to Silva but I could see it going either way. Not much from either.
Baby face looking ok so far but Ver gonna open up soon.
10-9 silva ... Set the pace and landed A hook
Verdejo seems to be having trouble figuring this guy out early on.
Roy, " give the Other Guy credit". Ha ha
Another razor close round. Again I'll give it to Silva. Verdejo's shots are just shy. Silva has good defense.

20-18 Silva
Ortiz vs Tony Thompson... That fight is hot garbage.