Craving other pussy when you're in a relationship with an awesome woman


Blue Belt
Aug 13, 2017
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Just wondering if any of you have experienced or have feedback on why I could seemingly find an amazing woman in every way but badly crave another pussy so badly to the point of sabotage?
Dude. Thats so normal its not even funny. Of course you will crave what you cant have at the moment. An amazing woman can make you never want to cheat on her, but no woman is so amazing to remove the fantasizing of other women.
Is normal. Nothing will satisfy accept the power of God!! :(
Seek guidance from the late Billy Graham, IMO
It's almost as if evolution and biology designed men to breed with multiple women to get more offspring.

Monogamy and marriage is the biggest lie ever told, by the biggest reason of deaths so far: religion. People fail to see the hypocrisy in killing people over about what happens after death.
Psychologically speaking, you're individual identity is stronger than your relationship and the ego searches for affirmation in the same way a Mcdonalds burger tastes 100x better if you're on day 5 of your diet.

You just don't do it, for a reason that merits it. If you have found a reason important enough to not, than you're set for life. If not, you should do whatever makes you happiest.

Even if something's wrong, if it's in your nature to do it, you should. Immediately. So that you learn enough,in your youth, that you want to make a better decision.
Doing the right thing without knowing why leads to repression, and you just make the same mistake later when it will cause more damage.
It's almost as if evolution and biology designed men to breed with multiple women to get more offspring.

Monogamy and marriage is the biggest lie ever told, by the biggest reason of deaths so far: religion. People fail to see the hypocrisy in killing people over about what happens after death.
degeneracy detected

monogamy is the only thing that works in the long run
Tommy Lee once said when someone asked him about Pamela Anderson - “show me the hottest woman in the world, and I’ll show you a guy that’s tired of fucking her.”

It’s totally normal my man.
As others have stated,this one woman forever is a ridiculous artificial idea. A family unit sure but to wrap a sexual relationship in a forever lasting romantic bond that can be maintained, its unreal. Hopefully we as a society soon accept that,would be much easier.
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Truthfully. I love sweaty, stank pussy. I love the tp fuzz that gets caught in their junk. I love the way they try to act normal. I love BBWs and the way their boobs rest on their thighs. I love sniffing sweaty bras and panties. I love jacked up underwire cause your bbw girl has some massive cans. Shit, i love fat girls.
If you're sabotaging a great relationship then perhaps you have feelings of inadequacy, so you purposely ruin the relationship rather than risk getting dumped by someone you may perceive as 'better' than you. Give it a shot, tiger, you'll never know unless you ride it out. Either that or you're just a horndog who craves multiple women at the same time. Good luck either way.
Just wondering if any of you have experienced or have feedback on why I could seemingly find an amazing woman in every way but badly crave another pussy so badly to the point of sabotage?

Because you are a man.

You just have to be disciplined. The sanitation is not worth it.
Just wondering if any of you have experienced or have feedback on why I could seemingly find an amazing woman in every way but badly crave another pussy so badly to the point of sabotage?

You just have to jerk it when you start to feel that. Trust me it will cure you right away. I got YEARS of experience. I'm like a black belt in sherdog terms. Ki-Yahhhh!
I’ve hit the same pussy I’m with over a thousand times. I need something new. I’m actually lucky though. My girl will let me fuck other girls. She wants a threesome & she also wants to watch me fuck another girl. It’s not easy to make that happen now days with a 6 month old baby. Hopefully soon
Totally normal. A wise man once said "no matter how good she looks, someone else is sick of looking at her". You will always crave strange. As far as dealing with it? Either act on it or don't depending on how much you care about your current partner.