Media Costa says he will enter Izzy from behind

Never seen so many deaf people in one place, he literally said "I will fuck this guy UP".... get ur ears checked lol
So that was the point of Adesanya's post fight antics.
Lol can't believe so many of you misheard it. There's many higher quality videos of this. He said "I will fuck this guy UP" it just sounded a bit off because of his accent.
Never seen so many deaf people in one place, he literally said "I will fuck this guy UP".... get ur ears checked lol

He didn't but ok.

EDIT: You are correct and have my apologies.
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Lol can't believe so many of you misheard it. There's many higher quality videos of this. He said "I will fuck this guy UP" it just sounded a bit off because of his accent.

Please post because all im hearing is irony...

@1:09 "I will fuck this guy UP"

You are indeed correct. Didn't sound like that no matter how many times I listened to the posted version.

Its funny because there's a pause between the "guy" and the "up" so he tries to avoid miscommunicating and it only made it worse .
with the link TS posted I could only really hear it with loud af headphones, this other link is much better
Costa should be more careful of his language - knowing young Israels unusual disposition - wouldnt threaten with any version of the F word.

Stay safe and just cream him.