Corona statistic

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Jan 26, 2015
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Currently, aprox. 0.02% of the world population is infected with the corona virus .
50% of people are too autistic to understand numbers. The other 65% are about to be autistic too once the vaccines roll out!
Don't forget that 60% of the time works every time
Yuh, but that is confirmed cases, not who actually has it.

There are probably at least 10x that who actually have it and haven't been tested if not more, and it has generally hasn't struck a lot of parts of the world hard yet.

Not saying it is gonna kill a billion people or anything but that stat is rather misleading.
THATS PROOF! just the flu stop overreacting you fukin cowards the media always lies NWO is trying to make a one goverment world and steal ur rites wake up sheeple no one even knows a single person personally that has "cOrONA'

I hear that hospitals are attributing all sorts of random deaths to Corona.
Just think how overwhelmed healthcare systems would be if 5% of the population had it.
Good stat. Another interesting one- 5 out 4 people have trouble with fractions.
Quasimodo predicted this.