Cormier hitting pads with Jones doppelganger!

This reminds me of Rocky before his first fight with Clubber Lang.
Aggressive AV.

Thanks for the vid.
DC makes me lol when he acts like that. His video with the Jones punching bag killed me.
All seriousness.....I think Cormier might be in for a very rude awakening. I'm a fan only for this fight.
Did those teeps look horrible to anyone else?
LMAO... glad to see he'z bringing people in who can mimick Jones in there!

Dem kicks make him look like he'z eatin' a bit too much KFC.
Hope he throws that kick in the fight so Jones can sweep him again :p
Teep ain't going to work on Jones with those Giraffe legs. He needs to Bendo-style kick Jons pencil calves.

Hands looking fast though.
Doppleganger is such a weird word

It's giving me all kinds of wrong thoughts.

I need my meds brb
after Jones beat him again Cormier should lay off the popeye and drop to mw its his only chance...
what better way to prepare for a 6'4 1/2 lanky fighter with tremendous reach than training with a 4'8 stocky man with trex arms.
you trolled