Do you have this permanently copied to your clipboard?Urban said:Saxon side bends, full contact twists, side presses, bent presses, windmills, standing ab wheel rollouts, standing ab pulldowns, power iron coil thingy, deadlifts, side deadlifts, twisting deadlifts, and situps (NOT CRUNCHES) comprise a list of core exercises that should get you started...
Chad Hamilton said:The new Ab-Lounge, so you can take the stretch past 90 degrees.
I saw one of there infomercials yesterday; I've never seen a worse thought out, poorly made, stupid looking pile of crap in my life. I love to watch infomercials for exercise kit cos it amuses me to see how gullible the general populace can be some times, but that was too far. Just watching that thing made me seasick (it was some contraption where you sit down and move the arm and leg on the same side together in an arc)rickdog said:Don't forget the "Body by Jake" That will give you a 6 pack in no time.