I have not long started specifically trageting my core.
Recently I have been doing the following after my conventional strength days, and the russian twists and plank after a boxing workout.
Dumbell Deadlift twists 3x10 (5 per side)
Supermans 3x as many as possible
Chinnies 3x as many as possible
Day 2
Turkish get ups 3x 10 (5 per arm)
V sit ups 3x as many as possible
Day 3
Russian Twists 3x8-10
Plank- held as long as possible
Am I on the right track? should I be doing these at the end of my workouts? or at the start?
Recently I have been doing the following after my conventional strength days, and the russian twists and plank after a boxing workout.
Dumbell Deadlift twists 3x10 (5 per side)
Supermans 3x as many as possible
Chinnies 3x as many as possible
Day 2
Turkish get ups 3x 10 (5 per arm)
V sit ups 3x as many as possible
Day 3
Russian Twists 3x8-10
Plank- held as long as possible
Am I on the right track? should I be doing these at the end of my workouts? or at the start?