Coolest Conor Mcgregor tattoo from a fan

Isn’t that a proper 13?

Its what happens to you after a bottle of proper 12
That’s dumb as fuck and 100 percent worse than some one that idolizes him getting a tattoo haha
In few years he will have to cover or remove that shit because of how dumb it is. Not only the image is stupid but it is awfully done.
That's one of the better MMA tattoo's I've seen, nice clean style & will stand the test of time.
Bad MMA tats are getting stronger, but they have a ways to go before they reach the badness of A level sports:

There are going to be a lot of old people with hideous tattoos in a few decades.
Now the real question is, who will be the first 'dogger to get a tattoo of a Shadface? <mma2>