In college we were watching a ufc fight with a bunch of people packed into my dorm sophomore year. I wrestled 141 so i'm always the smallest of our group of friends.
I make the comment jokingly that "i could take anyone at this college" and the room just starts laughing so I counter "alright. Alright..i could take any girl at this school" a quick laugh and we move on and it isnt spoken of again.
2 weeks later a guy comes up to me and said "remember how you said you could take any girl at this school?" i tell him yes but with a bit of confusion in my voice. He goes on to tell me he found a girl who said she can kick my ass.
Long story short its some 6'1 girl who is about 190 pounds and allegedally some black belt and she had kickboxing videos on her facebook page. Needless to say per pressure kicked in and i had verbally agreed to fight this girl ive never spoken to before due to a joking remark during a ufc ppv.
Our average wrestling meet brought in about 30 spectators per a meet (barely any) we held the fight in the wrestling gym though. Over 250 students show up including the entire freshman all girls dormatory. Thry were doing syncronized cheerleading cheers and what not. The overall feeling from a vast majority was this girl was going to kick my ass it seemed. Our wrestling team was ranked top 10 in the nation at the time (d3) and they begin to let me know that a loss will forever taint the teams reputation.
So im feeling nervous. Campus safety show up.. My saviors! Wrong... They wanted to stay and watch.
The event starts. I instantly just throw her with a head and arm and choke her out within 30 seconds. The syncranized cheers turned into horrified silence (no strikes were thrown) she goes to stand up to quickly after and does the ric flair stumble tumble back to the ground. I knew at this moment i was never going to get laid on campus by a girl in that class ever again. So i went full kurt angle olympic celebration and posted a picture of the chokeout of her with the caption "intergender champion of the world" on every girls dormatory door on campus. I was eating it up being the bad guy for a solid week but it is now 13 years later and I still can't go to a single alumni event without having to hear about it 10 times an hour, except now the tale is being told with my fiance sitting next to me so it just causes awkwardness and is an embarassing moment from my youth that i can't escape as an adult.
TLDR Meathead jock choked out a girl in front of 250 people in an MMA match.