Conor talking up a storm on conference call

Rd. 1 Diego is tougher.
Rd. 2-3 Cole is tougher.

I expect the fight to be easier for Connor.
Conors ring rust should make this a closer fight than expected.
The Goat has this fight in the bag. Diego, as good as he is, is wound too tight and gasses early. Connor will finish this early in round number 2.
Diego has about 2 mins to do something then it is all over for him, as much as i would like Conor to be humbled, it is not happening in this one.
Cole Miller was a much more interesting fight, shame really.
As long as Conor lasts past 3 minutes Brandao will gas like a motherfucker. McGOAT will pick him apart from there.
I can't possibly see how he rubs some one the wrong way in that and I guarantee it will

I have to admit, I was highly annoyed with the guy and all the hype he was getting.

I became a fan once I started checking out his interviews. Rooting for the guy hardcore now.

The guy is a marketing genius and exactly what we need to pump some life into the FW division.

We need people like this in those lower weight classes. Conor has a natural swag that not many people have and the dude can def go far.

As a converted hater, War fucking McGregor!