Conor shows NYPD support for 9/11

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Fun fact.

In Sweden 9/11 is "The day of the Kebab" - Kebab is a popular fast food that middle eastern guys sell.

Don't know if it was ISIS or a comedian who picked that date.
What a monster...that Conor and his shout out to the first responders on 9/11. Some of you are ridiculous. The man donates money from every bottle of his whiskey to first responders. He obviously has a soft spot for them.

I'm not even a Conor fan, but some of you need to get a hobby besides hating on everything the guy says or does.
What a shameless PR move. Sad. Pathetic. Fake. Go to hell Conor. He's a try-hard now. Desperate like a half-crushed cockroach. This deviation from his M.O. is gross. Like he gives a fuck.

Edgy. And who cares if it's a PR move? He can post anything he wants and it's not his fault someone made a thread about it here.
I was in 10th grade computer class when the principal announced for all teachers to turn on the news. About 20 minutes later, a plane (flight 93) went down about 45 minutes away. That's when it really got real and I wondered for a second if there would be more planes coming.
Conspiracy theorists are the worst pieces of shit going. You idiots are literally insane.
I remember I was trying to drive into work that day as I saw both towers burning, listening to news radio. All the bridges were closed though.

I’ll never forget that day.
I was on my way to college in Brooklyn that day when the security guard told us to do an about-face and go home because classes were canceled and I remember not being able to catch a single bus or train because they were all full to the max
Check out the stats of the number of US citizens who also believe this was an inside job. Figures might surprise you.
I wouldn't even bother talking to that close-minded piece of trash that insults with blanket statements
What a shameless PR move. Sad. Pathetic. Fake. Go to hell Conor. He's a try-hard now. Desperate like a half-crushed cockroach. This deviation from his M.O. is gross. Like he gives a fuck.
You no think it was assisted rather than masterminded by US? seems more plausible
I'd say the mastermind were the US weapons contractors who benefitted most from the eventual wars. Obviously they didn't come up with by themselves but were definitely key in on sparking something to start the wars. Very smart plan despite some obvious holes. But the american gen pop is easily swayed by nationalistic attacks to rationalize anything.

To be fair though if any country did something like this to their own people and put the blame on international terrorists, 99% of the citizens would buy right into it.
Fucking bootlicker.


(Clean criminal record here, I just hate cops like every reasonable citizen should).

You live in Canada. You're against cops and your country is against self-defense. Not a whole lot of options left.
I was still a kid back then and remember it so clearly. But how come the perpetrators are idolized in some circles and still walk freely while never being charged?
No, I'm just not stupid. What he's doing is disrespectful, if you're smart enough. Exploiting 9/11 for his own personal PR gain. Gross.
You hear that boys, showing respect to 911 victims and such is clout chasing, w shouldnt do it or we'll be marked for grabbing attention
What a shameless PR move. Sad. Pathetic. Fake. Go to hell Conor. He's a try-hard now. Desperate like a half-crushed cockroach. This deviation from his M.O. is gross. Like he gives a fuck.
Fuck you asshole.
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