Conor only gassed because of altitude

Get over it kid. There were some pretty good fights yesterday.
Nate is like 3 inches taller so Coner actually had the altitude advantage in that fight and still lost.
Nate won and Conor took the loss like a man. You should too TS.
Yeah well. They are about to fight in Vegas altitude again so Mcgregor will get murked again.
No one knows where Dublin is anyway. This is America get it right mf.
Never Heard of Dublin in my Life. Canaries in Dublin yea.
Mcgregor basically lives in the USA now
"Dublin level Conor" is born
Make the rematch in Denver then :)
Hopefully a troll thread. Because anyone actually this inept is not fit for thinking.
Wow so many people take the bait lol, It's like youtube comments.