Conor is not helping fighters getting a better pay.
Every thing Conor does is for Conor. IF fighters gets better pay its a side effect nothing Conor did on purpose.
I never heard Conor speak up about other fighters pay or unfair pay.
Only about how much money HE makes.
3 years ago the hype train started......Now that I have been derailed by a 11 day out of shape Cabo Diaz, the only thing I can talk about is money because I don't can't talk about my actuak fighting skills anymore.
It's OK Conor, soon, your paydays will be over when you go on a 3 fight losing streak...... Diaz then Frankie.
Bye bye red panty nights......
Yeah, humans are generally selfish creatures.
More training and less shit talking. If he loses I can't wait to hear the excuses.
well none of them are getting paid that much so why would they thank him?
We are.. And I guess thats "okay". But dont go around like McG and pretend you did it for others and demand a thank you.. when its clear as day that you did it for your self and never had a thought about anybody else.