Compound Movement full body routine


Purple Belt
Sep 3, 2002
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Can anyone point me in the direction of a good compund movement full body routine?

I am basically looking for a full body routine which incorporates olympic style lifts and breaks out as an upper / lower/ upper body per week workout and then the reverse lower/ upper/lower.

I know there is alot of knowledge of compound movements and olympic style training on this board so I thought this question might be best here...

Urban ... if you out there...any routines?

My ultimate goal is to increase stregnth and reduce fat...I have found the compound lifts help me achieve this, however...i am not follwoing any set routine and I am beginning to over train...I think ..

Thanks guys
I think urban has info on his website about full body routines.
jamsession1 said:
I am basically looking for a full body routine which incorporates olympic style lifts and breaks out as an upper / lower/ upper body per week workout and then the reverse lower/ upper/lower.

Okay, maybe I'm about to make a dope out of myself on like my 2nd post on the forums. But I don't understand how you can do olympic style lifts and also at the same time divide your lifts into upper and lower. Clean & jerk and snatch both work lower body, core, and upper body all at the same time -- at least on me they do. They are "full body". Also, things like thrusters, dumbell swings, overhead squats, pulls ... all work lower/upper/core, which is why I thought they were called "full body". Since these are the exercises I do, instead of a lower/upper split, I do a power/conditioning split. Full body compound movements (snatch, etc) on power day, muscular endurance and cardio (BW exercises, tabatas, HIIT, etc) on conditioning day. Edit: I rotate the exercises I do on power days, similar to Urban's 102 article, which I just went and read.

I understand what your saying. I am finding that my shoulders are getting a bit too much work as theyy seem to be involved heavily in many compound movements. While cleans and snatch are full body, they seem to be more intensive on my shoulders as they are smaller muscles. What is your routine?

I think I might be wanting to go in the direction your hinting at in your post.

My whole posterior chain kills me after a hard snatch day. Double entendres be damned. Traps hurt too, but not my shoulders.

There are a lot of guys here way more advanced than me, just FYI. Urban's site has that lifting 102 article which is excellent, and is generally the kind of program I follow on strength & power day, with the difference that I change each workout, and he changes each week.

Basically, I have something like 20ish exercises I might do for strength&power day. I pick 6 or so and work them hard each time, and then the next week I pick 6 more. So if I did snatches last time, I might do cleans this time. If I did front squats last time, I might do dumbell walking lunges this time. If I did deadlifts last time, I might do romanian deadlifts this time. If I did alternating dumbell bench presses last time, I might do dumbell incline bench this time. If I did thrusters last time, I might do dumbell swings this time. Anyway, you get the idea: a syllabus of really solid exercises, with emphasis on compound movements where possible, through which I rotate each time.

Aside from the fact that I really like the results of hitting multiple muscles with multiple heavy exercises, it's also more interesting in the weight room than doing the same exercises over and over. If I start to plateau on an exercise, I put it on the shelf for a bit and work on whatever the weak link is. I'm fairly new to this type of workout, I'd previously always done upper/lower/leg type splits.
i started doing J.V. Askems athletic weight training routine and really like it. i do the power oriented routine mostly, but oncein a while i'll do the olypic day instead. love it.

only thing i add is frenchpress on monday 3x10, power shrugs on weds. and maybe some hammer curls too if i'm feeling sexy.