Color of Money Ending


Oct 12, 2013
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I dont understand what Tom mean by saying Paul used him. How?


Its in the way they you use it. It comes and goes. Boy, dont you know.
For money. Duh.

How though. Paul foreit his match and gave back the money Tom gave him for throwing his match against Paul. Paul didnt make any money off Tom in the end.
How though. Paul foreit his match and gave back the money Tom gave him for throwing his match against Paul. Paul didnt make any money off Tom in the end.
Fast Eddie had been using Vincent throughout the movie, and bringing his girlfriend in on the manipulation. Eddie then used Vincent as inspiration to get back into the game.
Newman was out of the game and associating with young stud Tom returned him to relevancy, and ultimately gave him the confidence and motivation to get back into it himself. But it's been years since I watched it.
Fucking Scorsese, man. THE FUCK IS ANYTHING EVEN ABOUT?!

At the beginning of THE COLOR OF MONEY, Vincent is like Fast Eddie was at the beginning of THE HUSTLER: both want to be the best at pool.

But along the line Fast Eddie lost sight and became a hustler. He in turn corrupts Vincent.

After he gets hustled by Amos, he regains his competitive desire -- only to once again be disappointed by the hustle, even though he was on the money-side, which causes him to quit the tournament.

This infuriates Vincent because he doesn't know what the fuck just happened. This old guy told him how to play pool, he follows, now the old guy goes the opposite way of everything he fucking taught him?! WHAT DO YOU WANT??!

Is that is why Vincent say "Its Strings, dont it?". He is talking about hustling Paul into thinking he beat Vincet straight up. But Paul already got hustled by Forest Whitker.

Tom just trying to show him the he is the hustler now, i guess.
Being beat by a guy better than you stings -- but not as bad as beating a guy you been wanting to beat for a long time, only to find out he lost on purpose. As mad a Vincent is, that's also a reflection of how Eddie feels -- betrayed and foolish -- and it's in that lowest point Eddie finds it within himself again: "I'm BACK, BABY."

o. I was thinking tom was trying to says it strings that I am better at Hustling than you now and I am the boss now. and that why he was screaming I am call my shots. Like you cant control me anymore)
Eddie played Tom, but I'll rack both of their balls.
Only thing I took is that Forrest Whittaker was the GOAT hustler of the whole film.