Cody is too quick and sharp for Cruz.

First time seeing Cody fight and can already say his boxing is at a level above Dominic's and he's a lot stronger . Cody is going to win this fight .
I'm interested in seeing how he does the deeper the fight goes. But so far he's looking good out there.
Will be great when Cruz fans complain about Cody running. Lol.
Cruz hit him and showed him he has some power. And then Cruz looked to being to puzzle him round 2.
Cody's reflexes are otherwordly right now. Also notice from the 1st round Cruz chased him. When does Cruz chase people? He under-estimated him.
Officially don't care if Cody fights again. What kind of professional acts like Cody. Guess he never left high school. Good fighter but come on kid.
That initial eye test was it.Cody isn't a one trick pony he has some of the best boxing in MMA. Also Faber scrambles. And natural talent/reflexes/athleticism