Cody Garbrandt explains unearthed tweets using N-word as product of past: it's a street word.

In boot camp I won a white people dance off and I was awarded a black card for life.

The perks: I get to use the N word twice a year.
Why is it permissible for blacks to use the word? Why not other races? It's a word....if blacks get triggered when a white uses the N-word they (blacks) shouldn't glorify the word in speech nor song... Utter stupidity.

There's a huge problem with Maori, Polynesians and even some Caucasians saying it here in New Zealand. I get that Hip Hop culture is global now and all that stuff but you just really sound like an idiot saying it if you're not black. I also think most of the folks that use the word don't think about how it's been used in a historical context. I don't think the way Cody was using it was derogatory but it was definitely not well thought out either.
You act like hes saying it to complete strangers or something.

The guy I replied to was saying that it shouldn't matter what race you are it's only a word.

The analogy was just to take race out of the equation and show that a word used between Person A and Person B is not necessarily ok between Person A and Person C.

Now you mention it though, when you put unanonymised* words publically on the internet then you're kind of saying it to everyone...

*Possibly made this word up.
SJW's take it personal though. They cuck themselves to be politically correct.

Rappers get rich from using and selling it. Nonissue.
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It's the norm where I live, black folks here don't trip about it. As long you dont use it in a racist matter, nobody trip about it.
Same for me growing up. It’s pretty obvious when it’s used as a racist slur as opposed to normal speech... It’s still wise to understand how it was used 50 years ago and to be understanding of the many people who are not SJW douches and still don’t like the word, though.
Probably the best answer he could have given.
Anybody who is making a big deal of him using the work ninja is either an idiot or an asshole. You know he didn’t do with bad intentions.

He didn’t say it to anybody with bad intentions.

You’d have to be intentionally retarded to act like you don’t know teenagers use the word :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:.

Honestly, what is that idiot reporters point for bringing it up? You think Colby’s a fucking clansman?

Just another piece of shit reporter trying to make money slandering people for no good reason.
I don't care what color you are, using the N-word as a term of endearment in any form or fashion makes you sound dumb and ignorant. And anyone who justifies taking a word that was literally the last word hundreds of thousands of people heard before being murdered and using it as a term of endearment by changing a few letters sound dumber than Vanilla Ice trying to justify sampling "Under Pressure" and having the audacity to say "it's not the same."

I don't care what color you are, using the N-word as a term of endearment in any form or fashion makes you sound dumb and ignorant. And anyone who justifies taking a word that was literally the last word hundreds of thousands of people heard before being murdered and using it as a term of endearment by changing a few letters sound dumber than Vanilla Ice trying to justify sampling "Under Pressure" and having the audacity to say "it's not the same."

That’s fine, you can have your little opinion of people using the n word but just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you can be deaf to the fact that people use it as slang now and using the word doesn’t mean you’re a racist.
I don't like the usage of the word, but he's not wrong.
It is unfortunately used a lot. When i was in high school a white dude couldn't say it though or that woulda been his ass, but somehow it's become 'cool' now. I dont get it, nor do i want to

Ok snowflake
So first he used the " I was a teenager" card, when actually was 21, and now it's the “I grew up hanging out with blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans." one? Come on, trailer boy, you and the UFC brass can come up with better than that.

Not sure when he moved out of urichsville but it was mainly all whites there
Why is it permissible for blacks to use the word? Why not other races? It's a word....if blacks get triggered when a white uses the N-word they (blacks) shouldn't glorify the word in speech nor song... Utter stupidity.
If you don't know why the double standard occurs then I'm sorry I can't help you because you're either stupid or willfully ignorant.