COC Grippers

There are like...4 people in the world that can do the #4...
Ordered the trainer and the 1 hard is the trainer in comparison with those old ladies hand grippers you find at sporting goods stores?
foobar said:
That's what I am basically doing, I can close the #1 2 or 3 times in a row. The problem is that I'm not making fast enough progress toward higer reps with the #1. Perhaps this lack of endurance can be fixed by doing high-rep training with the trainer?

I like to do higher rep workouts between heavy workouts. I do about 3 heavy sessions per week but I also like to keep the overall frequency/volume high because I think that's most effective for me in terms of training with grippers. So on my "off" days I'll use the trainer or the #1 and do some higher rep work, it's a good way to add volume to your workload without destroying your hands and it keeps the hands "smart."
Lusst said:
There are like...4 people in the world that can do the #4...

This makes me feel not so bad about doing negatives with my #2.

How about #3's then?
well #3 have been closed by quite a few....several hundred ....a very tough gripper but with few years of training most men with average sized hands can do also have to specify under what conditions.....
Lusst said:
There are like...4 people in the world that can do the #4...

I think like 8+ ppl have closed the #4 and I believe 5 certed on the #4.
I didn't literally mean 4, just the fact that people aren't lining up to get certed on it.
Errr, how many people at the sherdog S&P can close a #3?
erco said:
Errr, how many people at the sherdog S&P can close a #3?
Carnal is certed, and I'm pretty sure Sonny has closed it, but not certed on it. Smashius has closed the 2.5, and I'm about 3 mm away from joining him.
Nobody is lining up to close #4 because of the new idiotic rules that stipulate one must close the gripper straight out of the this new rule I think only Joe Kinney had a chance to close it ....perhaps Magnus Samuelson is another candidate because of his sheer size and ease with which he closed it with 3 fingers(without pinkie)....

I have closed #3 for 2 singles in a single where I was doing almost like a overcrush/time hold once closed....from about MM or a bit wider....perhaps CCS....
Gordon said:
I bought a #2 and closed it a few times straight out of that packaging, ordered a number 3 a week later and got it to within an inch of closing it.

When people are saying the work singles rather than reps, would this be because you close for time instead? My knowledge of gripper work is pretty limited.

Singles usually mean, forced closes, negatives or overcrushes.
Gordon said:
What about the set up for the actual crush, any you tube vids I have watched show quite alot of people part closing it with their free hand, then crushing it all the way. Is this what you are supposed to do?

I just put it in my hand and start squeezing. I am assuming the other way is easier?

Most people will "set" the gripper with their free hand. In order to certify with Ironmind, you can only set it to credit card width before closing it.
fat_wilhelm said:
Believe it or not, I have yet to get myself a pair. Though I've never had COC's, I train the crap out of my forearms and grip in about ninety different ways and have been doing so for a long time. Plus, I'm a little bit on the larger side at around 6'-0", 210 lbs.

My question is this -- from what I've said, do you think it would be OK to start w/ the #2? I could always go back and buy the #1 if the #2 was too much, but I'd like to avoid buying more than I need for $$ sake. Advice, please. Thanks.
You did the right thing getting the #1. I can close the 2.5 with both hands and Im under 1/4'' from closing the #3 and I use my #1 at every workout. I wish I had a trainer too.
Stonebreaker said:
I'm having visualization issues here.

You wind up with a weight, dangling from a strap, which is held between the ends of a closed gripper? Such that you have to overcrush the gripper with enough force to not only keep it closed, but to keep the strap from slipping out?

Pic, maybe?
That's exactly it. A belt or what ever holding a weight at the bottom and you have to really over crush your gripper to keep it from falling.
I got my #1 and #2 a couple weeks ago. I coulden't close either of them but after two or so weeks of negatives I can close #1 once with each hand.