Classy response from Zahabi regarding McGregor tweet

Money does not equal happiness. Some of the richest people on earth aren't happy at all, more money more problems.

It takes care of financial problems which are the majority of problems for most people. It creates different problems though, things not everyone is able to deal with. But yes, do agree with you in regards to first sentence
if that wasn't personal then neither was conors response. His analysis was that zahabi actually is a twerp and should shut his mouth. Not personal just facts that should be logically discussed.
Lol gtfo. Zahabi is a legendary coach in MMA. Youve been on here since 2008 but your peabrain is smaller than Conors nuts.
Someone who feels to the need to lie about his background, who perpetrates a fairytale of no other options but welfare when the truth is his family is fairly well off, his training, education was paid for, and he quit a good paying job to go on welfare is nothing to be admired.

Being an entitled asshole who takes short cuts is in his DNA. Much like jon pulses PEDs - it's just part of who he is.
Pure class, operating on a much higher plane than Conor.