Chuck Liddell Drawing

Drawn Chuck so many times. I didn't like my other ones. This is the last one. Enjoy. Hope you guys had a good Christmas.

Great work TS 10/10
Overall good job, something is off with his mouth though.
looks a bit effeminate, other than that awesome
Nice rendering, but you really should credit the photographer when duplicating their image.

That looks more like Chuck than Chuck does.
Great work.
You do any action scenes w/ the fighters?
Shomanart....I'm an mma fan, but many years ago I was into art and illustration. \

Your work is nothing short of amazing if it's truly your artwork. If this is true tallent and not Photoshop, then I strongly suggest you get into a career of graphic design and illustration. The Human body is one of the most difficult things to illustrate.

What medium did you draw, paint, create this in?

You should check his other drawings.
man, I miss watching Chuck. great job Ev.
Masterful art masterpiece. Skills to pay the bills... if art is enough to cover the bills.