News Chuck Liddell Arrested for Domestic Violence (UPDATE: With Official Statement)

Hard partying and taking punches to the face do tend to add up especially in a persons 50’s. Having said that, we literally know nothing yet so let’s hope it wasn’t something too awful.
Birds of a feather..

Hell yeah
like jon, ill wait until the details come out in court before passing comments.

im like this cause personally i know a more then a few woman who have felt they are free to assault their partners cause he is three times their size, knowing that they are pretty much untouchable (most men wont hit back cause men have been conditioned not to hit woman) - then, ive also known a few guys who have taken their anger out on their families and lost them over it.. both woman and men can assault their partners, both men and woman can lie about it and both will play the victim. ill wait for the day in court before passing judgement.

no matter what happened here, it sucks for everyone involved.
Jones has a long history. It's not as easy to be skeptical in his case. I was still trying to clean up all the over the top hate in those threads though.

Is it just me, or did you become wiser since you're a mod? :D You seemed pretty well-grounded to me, usually, but I don't hang here that often anymore, so maybe that's just an impression ;).

Congrats, btw!
I like how the Sheerdog default stance on domestic abuse is that the woman must be lying wait for the trial.
For real...
This is particularly a problem, because since this happens very often, it makes a lot of victims too afraid to tell what happened to them.

"In dubio pro reo" is an incredibly important staple of justice, but especially regarding domestic violence and sexual abuse, the victims aren't taken seriously enough.
We can't accept that it's "fuck you and youe feelings so as long as nothing's proven!" to the victims, especially since the statistics tell us that the vast majority of the investigated accusations turn out to be true.

IIRC, for rape accusations, it's 97:3 when it comes to investigated accusations that turn out to be right versus those that turn out to be wrong.
I like how the Sheerdog default stance on domestic abuse is that the woman must be lying wait for the trial.

In all cases, it is up to the authorities to prove the guilty part. As horrific as domestic violence is, I'm not subscribing to "believe all women" by default.

I'll never forget this thing:

In my 39 years I've met enough crazy women, even though I never was involved in any way with one. Just stumble upon one that is truly obsessed with you, refuse her as a gentleman and see what happens.)