Cold December Night is a new one.
Oh Holy Night.
Elvis Presley "Here comes Santa Claus" (If you don't like that song, you are a b****)
The song from "Christmas Vacation" where he is in the attic is one of my favs.
The ones I can't stand that DO make me want to puke, are: "Feed the World" by live aid or wtevr. You are telling me that the people who have to survive the winters under snow where nothing can grow for like 5 months are suppose to feed the people who could grow crops all year round? WTF is that??
George Michael, "Last Christmas." We all know what "something special" means in that song, and it's gross.
"Simply having a wonderful Christmas time." That song should have stayed in the 70's where it belongs. It was made as a MODERN song in the 70's, it does not work anymore, and it is not a classic. We need a few new "modern" songs that work today. And NOT f'n rap for the love of God. Although, Run DMC's Christmas song is actually pretty f'n good.