I don't think we have any Chinese bots here.
Anyway here is my opionen.
Westerners think democracy is the best political system but you guys are wrong. I live in Spain where the population is getting old as people live more years and young people have less and less children, that means that the votes go to political parties who offer the most benefits for old people, because these vote them and they are now majority. This have made our country to have one of the highest retirements pension in Europe, while young people have low salaries and living in their parent's house, while their parents generation were able to buy a house with an average paid job and with 25 years old. Democracy means people vote for their interests, not for what is really needed and good for the country. When the politics are competent like the ones in the chinese government, then its a much better system than a democracy, just look how many people (a billion) they have brought out of poverty in just 30 years, that's much better than the sum of all NGOs together in the history of the human life. The 1989 Tiananmen incident was in a time when Deng Xiaoping was president of China, the key reason why China developed so fast... let me ask you... do you think if the students had won and turned China into a democracy, would China be richer and better than now? We will never know. But if I have to choose between uncertainty (democracy) and certainty (China as superpower 30 years later), I have it clear... I choose CCP.