Media Chael Sonnen suggests Conor McGregor is not injured, but in rehab for substance abuse

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LOL what a shitshow

Chael is probably right.. I don't think he would poke Conor and the UFC with something like that if it wasn't true.
Why not both? lol

why the fuck would he be in rehab only now and not anytime in the past 5 or 6 fuckin years?

Maybe he went into rehab cos the fight isnt happening? ok

But I find it weird he'd just enter rehab less than a month before the fight and cancel it there.

Anyway if he is indeed in rehab I doubt that will be kept secret for very long, so we will see.
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When he was rambling about how poorly the UFC has treated him and how he wants to fight and hates how long this shit is delayed, it made me think the UFC doesnt want to pay him what he costs to come in out of shape and drinking the whole time in the lead up.
My guess is he has a small injury that he could have fought through. Dana went, saw it wasn't that bad, and it pissed him off. They'd spin it as some sort of anti-woke-Hollywood story about drug abuse being rampant or something if he was in rehab.
So (presumably Conor's people) reach out to Ariel to tell him that there may be a problem with this fight. They tell him that its an injury, but they tell him NOT to report that its an injury. They just tell him to report that it is nothing to do with @Substance Abuse, ahem I mean substance abuse. When the news comes out, he reveals what his source told him now that the cat was out of the bag so to speak.

Somehow the "prognosis" about the injury got better,and then the whole thing ultimatley gets tanked.

Dana White says the fight is cancelled due to an injury, but does not specify what injury.

Conor says that an injury prior to the presser forced him out.

Dana 8 hrs ago said "the injury is absolutley real"

Now Chael says this. Interesting!
So (presumably Conor's people) reach out to Ariel to tell him that there may be a problem with this fight. They tell him that its an injury, but they tell him NOT to report that its an injury. They just tell him to report that it is nothing to do with @Substance Abuse, ahem I mean substance abuse. When the news comes out, he reveals what his source told him now that the cat was out of the bag so to speak.

Somehow the "prognosis" about the injury got better,and then the whole thing ultimatley gets tanked.

Dana White says the fight is cancelled due to an injury, but does not specify what injury.

Conor says that an injury prior to the presser forced him out.

Dana 8 hrs ago said "the injury is absolutley real"

Now Chael says this. Interesting!
But i thought Big John was the main source who knew the exact injury? Lmao

There is absolutely no way, especially for clicks or attention, I would be putting something like that into the public arena unless it was absolutely 100 % true, double-checked and provable.

Conor McGregor will have a monster legal team at this point, and if Chael can't prove it/if it doesn't "come to light" then that's textbook lawsuit shit right there.

You serious? With all the lies that celebrities, bloggers, politicians tell on a daily/hourly basis about each other, how many slander lawsuits have actually been filed, and how many actually goes to court and how many have actually won?

The bar for proving slander is VERY VERY high. Conor would have to prove he was damaged by a spoken statement.

In the very unlikely event that Conor files a lawsuit, all Chael has to do say he was joking and that's part of his onscreen personality.
Where does Fighter Kevin Lee fit into this?
He figures in big time. They need someone to fill the void.

FKL is the man to do it.