Celebrity chefs falling in debt and failure!

I was under the impression the majority of the money made in the food game is on the beverages.

you cook food in order to make people drink. Gotta sell fine wines and liquor to get those dollahs...
I eat at celebrity chef places all the time with clients. When I take my wife or girlfriend out, we go to little hipidden gems that focus on the food not the image.
The whole restaurant industry is a scam. I despise it and everything about it.
if nigella needs help Im sure i can work out a deal.
It doesn’t help that chefs are notorious alcoholics.
Not sure if you are joking or not but he has a net worth of 220million according to google so I doubt hes hurting

lol no I was joking bro. He was on that show Hot Ones on YT where they eat super hot stuff. it was really entertaining