Social Catholic monsignor who wanted to deny Biden communion, found to be using gay hookup app

These moral codes are supposed holistic wholes, not something you should be cherry picking from. But from my POV there's a key difference between merely engaging in sin and promoting it and this man and his organization were criticizing Biden for what they saw as publicly endorsing sin. Its also important to note that this organization did remove this man over this scandal so as a whole they are being consistent.
Something else to consider is the severity of the 2 sins we're discussing. A mortal sin is something unforgivable in the eyes of god - If you're gay you shouldn't be a priest, but again, its clearly not the same as murder.
Something else to consider is the severity of the 2 sins we're discussing. A mortal sin is something unforgivable in the eyes of god - If you're gay you shouldn't be a priest, but again, its clearly not the same as murder.
Actually the link you have there leads me to another page which does put homosexual acts on the same level as murder.
The expression is referenced in the Jewish Bible, particularly in Genesis 4:10 ("The Lord said to Cain ... the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth"), Genesis 18:20–21, Exodus 22:21–23, and Deuteronomy 24:14–15.[ The sins are numbered as being either four or seven; they are listed as follows:
  • The "blood of Abel": homicide, infanticide, fratricide, patricide, and matricide
  • The "sin of the Sodomites": non-procreative sexual acts (sodomy). (cf. Jude 1:7).
  • The "cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan": Oppression of the poor.
  • The "injustice to the wage earner": taking advantage of and defrauding workers (cf. James 5:4).
Here's an interesting take from the same wiki page on how modern political thought relates to these four sins.
Tom Hoopes of Benedictine College explicates the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance with respect to modern political thought:

The first two “sins that cry to heaven” include sins that one brand of politics downplays. First is abortion, which St. John Paul II compared to “the blood of Abel.” Second is the “sin of the Sodomites,” which the New Testament defines this way: “Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 1:7). The second two sins are those that another brand of politics downplays: First, the plight of refugees, immigrants and those who need social assistance and, second, “injustice to the wage earner.” The Catechism cites the New Testament to explain what kind of “wage earner” it means: “Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts” (James 5:4).[2]
I agree, he's probably in the wrong line of work, but did he criticize Biden for LGBTQ policy? According to the OP, the priest's problem is with abortion. I personally don't see why his failures to follow Catholic moral code in one area means he can't can't take a stance on a completely different topic.
The priest needs kicked out of the church, he disqualified himself for the ministry, but he was right to deny Joe Biden communion.
Actually the link you have there leads me to another page which does put homosexual acts on the same level as murder.

Here's an interesting take from the same wiki page on how modern political thought relates to these four sins.
Ah, I didn't know that. As my drill instuctor put it: "you're either religious or you're not, there's no middle ground". In that case, I'm not religious.