Carbonisotope | Official Stream Thread

Omg omg omg I actually got it haha. How the fuck was that fella a BB

EDIT*** Forgot that I wasn't playing ranked haha.Makes more sense now.
Online! Party stream with 4 friends. Swedish however lol. Beers and mic on the table.
I think Im drawing skills from Keltsi (due to his presence) and getting Slightly better. Babysteps lol.

Next stream tomorrow!
Where are your streams? Did you die
Sorry guys! Been busy as shit. Im planning a Conor bless stream tomorrow. Conor non stop.

Are you guys up now? I mean I could stream after eating. Just w
Thanks for watching Keltsi and kicking my ass without even blocking.

Im thinking 1.5H UFC and 1.5H Chivalry tonight!

** no stremerino tonight
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