Cancelled TV shows that you thought had potential


Louie is basically the same show without the cursing though.

I really liked this one too. Not sure why it didn't make it.

I forgot about that lights out show...and john from Cincinnati. vote goes to party down
John Doe
The Event
Flash Forward
Day Break

ABC and NBC really didn't give their dramas a chance

I would say FlashForward and Awake had the most potential of shows cancelled after 1 season
Stella. not really, though.

It was funny as hell but too quirky for its time.
Carnivale and Odyssey 5 both guilty pleasures that should have lasted longer than they did....
Firefly and Freaks and Geeks are almost too obvious to mention. If I were to make a list of my top five best first seasons, they'd probably both make it on.

Yeah I know there were 4 seasons. But I wanted MOAR!!!

The last season left us hanging :(
Angel being canceled for fucking smallville pisses me the fuck off
There was a show called Brimstone that I thought was ahead of it's time. Got canceled.
Chicago Code. Seems all police procedurals revolve around LAPD or NYPD. One of the reasons The Wire was so enjoyable.
CBS remade the Fugitive back in the early part of last decade. I really enjoyed the few episodes that aired until it was cancelled for a new show you may have heard of called CSI.