Social Canadian Vaccine Passports begin Thursday

Got my first shot today.... next one not until Sept/01/2021...
If your family fled communism, why support efforts that are being promoted by open communists? Do you also vote Trudeau? He pushes Canada further left every day.

resist communism

People that are second generation don't always completely get it, even if their family have lived through it.

My grandfather in-law fled China for Hong Kong, he swam with a friend to the mountains at night and his friend died. He assumed it was a shark that got him.

Democracy in Canada is going to be the same as democracy in Hong Kong, all smoke and mirrors. Trudeau, like Carrie Lam can get away with everything without consequence. It's very disheartening because i am not even a conservative and Liberals here wont hold him accountable.

People that moved here from Hong Kong see what is going on, because our government officials are using the same tactics they did there. They can see it plain as day. Not just about COVID either.