Canadian couple contract parasites on vacation in DR.

Uptown Swinger

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Oct 23, 2011
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Graphic Image of couple's feet with Hook Worms

Canadian couple contract parasite worms while on vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
2 Canadian doctors don't know what the problem is send them home with bandages.
Feet get worse go to Hospital and finally get diagnosed with having contracted larva migrans / HookWorms.
The medicine to treat the problem is not licensed in Canada so Doctor puts in a request with Health Canada. After a week the request is denied so the couple drive to Detroit, Michigan, USA to get the medicine. They are now recovering. Good thing we don't live in that shithole to the north! God Bless you and God Bless America!

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Canada is actually very receptive to foreign invaders. I heard Prime Minister Trudeau has already issued a formal apology to the hook worms, and offered them asylum in Canada, as well as a 10 million dollar settlement.
I got one hookworm in my foot once in the Philippines, was a pain in the ass but nowhere near as gruesome or freaky as you might think. The shit part was none of the worming tablets I got from the hospital there (went twice, got a huge pill each time, neither worked) didn't work and I had to just hold steady and wait til I got home to the tiny tablet, job done.
Canadian Doctor: "Oh golly, I don't know. Coupla three Molson a day should clear that right up."