Can you depend on your family in time of need?

Money? No.

Anything else? Yes.

I'm worried about my parents' financial well-being. I feel like I need to make a lot more money so I can take care of them. Health wise I'm also worried that they aren't doing the right things to lower risk of stuff, but it's hard to convince them to change.
Of course - I literally trust them with my life and I know I can count on them for anything (and when I say family, I mean my immediate family).

Conversely, what's mine is theirs. We were raised to have no concept of "mine and yours" , when we all still lived at home, my brothers could go into my wallet and take what they want and vice versa. Even to this day, we all have each others pin numbers etc.
As long as it doesn't interfere with their lives or is not anything more than a quick conversation, I can count on my family for anything.
Always! I can always depend on my sisters to be bitches.
Damn you all!!!
I'm not Jewish so no...but I still love them.
I wouldnt ask my parents unless it was a live/die situation... bankruptcy?? nah man, your friend should take it like a man, his parents who are probably old now shouldnt be even asked to use the money that they have earned and worked for and that is going to come to very good use in their later senios years because your friend was stupid enough to make stupid choices with his money... sorry you asked my opinion and I give it
Yup, they are financially capable of bailing me out should I need it and they have guns. I'm pretty much covered
Through the drama I can always depend on my mama

I had one of those.

Yes, I can depend on at least some of my family, and they can depend on me. I think the only difference is that I could ask anything of my mother - she would have lied, cheated, and stolen for me. I would never even ask anyone else to go that far.
Financially, yes. Emotionally or to be supportive, absolutely not.
Yeah they'll be there for me if they could. So far, it's just been me being there for them.

But not if it is just delaying the inevitable ie using their money to bandaid ongoing deeper problems.

My mum is always offering me money, just wish she was rich enough for me to accept it.