Can we go easy?

Superbeast said:
This thread is becoming too common.

Not everyone wants to look and feel like shit going to work the next day and not everyone trains to fight, they train because they enjoy training. Sometimes after a long day not everyone has the energy or is in the mood to roll like a man possessed. Just accept not everyone has the same mentality and as a team you are there to work together so if one person prefers to take it easy just go along with it and then keep an eye out for a guy that goes 100% and spar with him next. Different people want different things from training and as a result prefer to train in the manner they are most comfortable with. Go with it, you never know if it might actually help you as people generally notice more opportunities and set ups when they have more time to take everything in before analysing possibilities.

uh oh... somebody is a light roller! hah jp bro
I still have a problem with rolling with guys my size or bigger because if I don't go 100% against them I'm pretty much screwed.
That is why technique, not strength is what you need to focus on. I'm 5'9 230 and used to powerlift. I used to try and power out of everything. It usually worked. Now I'm 215 and have figured out that strength + technique>strength...
fozzit said:
I love going easy on guys going a 100% because it allows me to work on my game.. If we both go light it has to be give and take... But I can't roll against the agro guys every single session.. I learn more rolling lightly tho, and I share that with the newer team mates about going slow and working on technique..

yea i did that today.. it helped me save energy and gave me more time to think. i actually got a couple of good sweeps
I say "Fuck It" because "Rolling light" means different things to different people. Some guys as let's roll light just to get you to let up on them.

I figure out the speed that is going to work best for the the technique I want to work usually somewhere between 60-70% and that's the range I try to stay in. If they want to "spaz" out then let them.

Speaking of "spazzing out" in some defensive positions I move quicker than I normally do in offensive positions. It does mean I'm "spazzing" it only means that defending a particular position is important to me.

Bottomline: If a guy says he has a bum knee, them I don't knee bar it. If he says he has a bum elbow I attack the other arm. I think it's good karma.

My .02,
Depends how I feel I guess.

I think the one time which sticks in my head when I asked someone to go easy was because this guy had a reputation for cranking subs without warning.

I've also asked my coach to go easy at times cos sometimes I don't feel I learn anything from being totally dominated.
A friend of mine, well we were all beginners to judo, and the coach was letting us do "light" randori. Basically he said put in some resistance, but if you feel that the other guy had a good throw attemp, then accept the throw.

My friend who I was partnered with, didn't hear the "accept the throw part". Fucking silly douchebag . He thought he was legitimately throwing me around, but I let him know a couple of months later when be started bragging about it. Retard (all said in a friendly manner hehe)