Can UFC f*** off with broadcasting tweets in the middle of fights?

and what abour bruce buffer or commentators having to say advertising jingles out loud when annucing fight or replays ? isn't that some sort of sandwich-man alienation ?
That David Spade tweet is the one where I completely lost it. I at least get the idea of including fighters from the same division posting about who they think took the last round, but crap like that? It's really annoying and seems like a desperate attempt to remind fans that "look guys, we're being talked about by all sorts of celebrities from inside and outside the sport! we're so popular!", and that's pathetic
Eh, basically this.
It's advertisements dude. They don't just search for Celebs talking about a fight. Oh you have a new movie or tv show coming out? Get your name out there with some corny ass tweet about UFC that you probably never watched before... "hurrr durrr dis khabob guy looks tough hurrr durrr!!!"
I wonder how many of the guys complaining in this thread are also the same dudes that are engaged on sherdog during cards.
I wonder if all the celebs are managed/agents of WME. Although it do find “let’s go!!!!!!!! #ufc374663 very informative”
and what abour bruce buffer or commentators having to say advertising jingles out loud when annucing fight or replays ? isn't that some sort of sandwich-man alienation ?
and what abour bruce buffer or commentators having to say advertising jingles out loud when annucing fight or replays ? isn't that some sort of sandwich-man alienation ?

What's the difference, Goldie?
The difference is drinkability!
I wonder if all the celebs are managed/agents of WME. Although it do find “let’s go!!!!!!!! #ufc374663 very informative”

They are. I remember Jared Leto was fucking tweeting during one of the big fights this summer and we looked it up that he was with WME.

Granted it's smart promotion from WME leveraging their twitters though broadcasting the tweets on tv is silly but doesn't hurt, just annoying.
All the leagues are doing it. Get used to it.
Completely agree ts... LLcoolJ has no business getting his tweet displayed mid fight lol

If you are going to display any tweets, at least make them tweets of people like GSP or actual fighters
I understand they have to pay back their Abu Dhabi overlords for sponsoring the show, but how many cheesy fooking “Hey DC have you checked out the golf course here” promos do we need? It’s insulting.
A ton.
The world is loaded with idiots who literally cant think beyond "oh TV man says nice golf. me like golf. i want to go there, but first....cheeseburger"

We remember these things because we're hardcores and it sticks out, but we live in a Wall-E world.
The ufc is so trashy lol.
'Please give us money we will show your tweeters.'
It's basically the closest thing they can do right now to giving free tickets to celebs in exchange for cageside shots.
I wonder how many of the guys complaining in this thread are also the same dudes that are engaged on sherdog during cards.

You fail to see difference between fight fans discussing the actual fights in dedicated forums, and UFC publishing LL Cool J tweets in the middle of broadcasting fights ?

What great insight do you get from these celebs that their opinion has to be plastered all over official PPV?
Well they've included ads with them so don't expect them to go anywhere