Can i tone my body by jogging?

you guys know tonning is not real, you can loose fat and gain muscle but muscles just show better when you have less Body fat, then don't tone.
I have had knee problems for years. Luckily running doesn't make my knees sore. It's usually good to run at softer ground if knees or shin splints are causing troubles.
Ancient Warrior said:
The last 10 lbs are the killer.

If you find that you're burning out or can't go any further, you're probably making a nutritional mistake somewhere, or you might be overtraining. You may not think it could be these things, but you could be surprised. Your body has to find a perfect balance of proper nutrition, as well as the proper workout. What works for someone else, may not work the same for you. Many people think they know whats healthy, but if you ask them about things like fatty acids, the importance of fiber, or how bad cold cuts are for you, they draw a blank.
I think you should just keep experimenting with new techniques and reasearch nutrition more and you'll eventually be able to crash through that final barrier.

How bad are cold cuts for you???