Can I Do Endurance Training 3 Times a Week AND Strength training too?


Green Belt
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The problem I got is I signed up for some 10 week clinic 3 days a week thats strength endurance but I wanna lift to get big and strong. I also hear if your muscles don't fully recover then you're weakening them. And I can feel the muscles worked at the clinic hurt a bit.
So I'm wondering if I can strength lift fine with all that endurance training without my muscles getting weaker from it and without quitting the clinic or waiting till June when it ends?
Yes, you easily can, just get proper rest when you're not lifting. Out of curiousity, what type of lifting are you do at the 'clinic'.
your muscles are prob just sore from the clinic but as soon as they get used to it you'll be fine with weight lifting with enough rest.
Out of curiousity, what type of lifting are you do at the 'clinic'.
We a lot of medicine balls and kettle bells there. We work every part of out body in some way too. A few of the things we do are russian twists, chair sit up, different types of curls and a bunch of kettle bell and other exercises.

We do as much reps in a given amount of time usually a minute at each station depending on the guy then do other exercises.

I'd say its a good work out all in all.

Oh yeah and how do I exactly get enough rest? Just sleep for 8 hours?
Oh yeah and how do I exactly get enough rest? Just sleep for 8 hours?

This depends. 8 should really be the minimum, but everyone is a little different. I for example can't sleep when I train too hard and I end up burning out. Besides which real life often limits our sleep to less than optimal levels.

Best way to figure this out is to take a day where you don't have to be up and wake up naturally noting the time you woke up and the time you went to bed.

Also sleep is not laying in your bed, most people don't fall asleep instantly apon getting in bed so try to factor that in.
yes u can....

2 intense cardio days, 1 light/mod
2 heavy lifting days...

I think you can manage that.

Are you doing squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, cleans, snatches, etc at the clinic?

sleep as longas u need to. At times you may need 12+ hours. Stress, sleep deprivation, etc all build up and you need extra sleep. Most people need between 7-10 hours of nightly sleep. Some people get away on 5-6 hours if they are very consistant about it but most people cant do it.
No the clinics mostly kettle bells and medicine balls. We do things that seem to target the same muscles and are like deadlifts, cleans and other things. They all have different names from what you do with regular weights. One thing is like a hang clean where you squat and using your hips bring the kettle bell in front of you and slowly bring it down to a sqat then repeat. Kettle bells are pretty different than other weights I've come to find out plus this is especially for wrestling.

Mind you I did PAY for this clinic and intend to get the money worth. Maybe I can do just 2 days of strength.

And oh yeah we do do overhead presses. We do do a full body workout I just was sick for a week and missed a few and I had it yesterday and every muscle was sore especially my back from the kettle exercise described above.
How much did you pay for this program that meets 30 times?
$75 it's really good for endurance but I think I need more strength first. Also I really like and respect the guy running it so I don't want to quit.
I wanna get big and take no crap from punks cause I am kind of weak :rolleyes: But I am kinda tough and know how to wrestle and fist fight a bit.

Not to get off topic but seriously there are people trying to pick fights with me at school now who are bigger than me and people insulting me to my face now, somethings gotta be done. Plus I wanna be strong and look good before the school years over.:icon_chee

Now anyway after that vent, back on topic. Think I could do 2 good days of strength training?
The "clinic" is Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday so it doesn't give my muscles too much time to rest. But I'm sure when I'm used to it I'd be able to lift Wednesday and Friday right?

I could do Shoulders, chest, and abs one day. And back legs, and tris another.
...seriously there are people trying to pick fights with me at school now who are bigger than me and people insulting me to my face now, somethings gotta be done.

Aye ye ye...:rolleyes:

Not to be the mature geek here... but have you tried talking to them, to teachers, or to their parents? Hey, just asking.
Well I'm a junior in high school and I gotta learn to take care of my own problems now so no teachers or parents. Besides the ones insulting me are just assholes so nothing can be done except an ass kicking. The one kid trying to pick a fight with me is an idiot and I know a bunch more people would have my back. Also it just seems I'm filled with so much anger these days probably from letting things like that slide ever since I was a kid. I think I'd have a chance against these kids though especially if I get them right in the nose after they insult me. Arg just thinking bout those kids and what they said to me makes me angry.:mad:

I'm so pissed off now and I'm tired of people especially wanna be tough guys walking all over me gotta make an example and unleash some anger. I know I might take some heat here for thinking like that but I don't care.

And oh yeah I really am a nice guy by the way I'm just tired of certain b.s. I used to always let things slide and be easy going still am but I've pent up too much anger inside. Has helped my wrestling though. :icon_chee Anyways I feel these people have to be confronted with or they'll keep doing what they're doing and from past experience others will follow suit. As for the dumb one trying to fight me I don't care for him but if he pulls anything I feel like he needs an ass whooping.
And by the way I am good at talking out situations but I always look like a pussy doing it and I'm tired of it.
Working out to be able to kick someone's ass is a losing battle. I am glad to hear that you can talk your way out of situations. Why in the holy hell does it fucking matter what they say to you? Being a man is recognizing that these are complete assholes and walking away from them. You are just as big of an asshole if you allow yourself to be dragged down to their level. Sometimes swallowing your pride and walking away is the more mature and manly thing to do. Also consider the ramifications that can result from fights. School suspensions, possible assault or battery charges, etc...these are the things you dont consider at 16-17 but you should. Plus you dont want to risk getting a criminal record over some stupid shit. If I were you I would approach lifting itself as a great way to vent. Nothing like focusing all your energy into nailing a 1rm when you're pissed off.

KBs are indeed a great way to train. Sounds like you're using all the right exercises but probably with an endurance twist/tilt to it. That's fine. Building a GPP is a great way to become stronger down the line.
Yeah around 16 things can get bad law wise. I know what you're saying and thanks but man, i just get pissed sometimes.

And yeah lifting and wrestling mad are great vents i can push myself harder and be tougher when I'm mad. I really do wanna look big too though cause I've always been a skinny guy. Sigh senior year then I guess lol
And by the way I am good at talking out situations but I always look like a pussy doing it and I'm tired of it.

Instead of trying to kick their ass, just find a way to nail their girlfriend.

I got in a few fights in high school. I won some and lost some, but in the grand scheme of things, it really never proved a point. I just fought because I was either drunk, trying to prove I was a tough guy, or both. You'll prove a lot more when you graduate and get the hell out of town and do something with your life.

P.S. You can always challenge them to a deadlift competition.
Ok here's the deal. I get what you're all saying but, I've always been the little weird kid every jackass makes fun of. I was/still kinda am nerdy, small (5'6, 5'7 and skinny at 125ish now)
I was always good at letting it brush off recently I started getting mad and keeping it inside. Kids still think I'm a pussy and not tough and an idiot and it makes me so mad. Especially since I think most of these kids are tools.
Someone's gonna say something to me at the wrong time and there's gonna be an ass kicking. Unless I don't fight to prove that I'm tough then everyone will continue to think that I'm just a pussy and I don't want that.
Its just so..... goddamn frustrating! And I know I could beat half these kids asses too!
who gives a shit..dont be that little dog nipping at everyones prove how tough you are

if u train then train to gain confidence,strength, stress relief...
Hey I'm not picking fights. And training has given/gives me all that. I just don't like being put down by some punks...... right to my face!

I really do hope that I'm not coming off as a nippy little dog and if I am I don't know what to say. And I definitively would rather get big for looks and wrestling function over what I see as putting people in their places.

And oh yeah by the way sorry seems kind of like I'm venting here. I apologize for that.
No problem dude. Vent all you want but I also want to make sure you're in a proper state of mind once you done venting. I vent online all the time and it serves as a process of centering me.

Learn to be more assertive and improve your verbal judo. If a person is not a complete idiot you can put him in his place much better with words than with any punch.
Alright thanks to the advice I will try to work on my put downs which suck. I can't make any promises bout not fighting though I'm just itching for one to put someone in their place but I'll try not to and work out more/harder.