Buy me a jet, it's for Jesus


Old man jiu jitsu
Nov 18, 2006
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A Louisiana-based televangelist is seeking donations for a private jet that costs $54 million so that his ministry "can go anywhere in the world in one stop."

Duplantis called on his disciples to contribute to the cause in a weekly video on the Jesse Duplantis Ministries website, The Times-Picayune reported.

Hey guys. I need a jet too. I need to spread the gospel that is Sherdog. Where everyone will be able to bench teh 275, learn the proper way to throw a jab, fill the room with uppercuts, be groundhog experts, and everyone will be banging L.A. 10's and leave those Boise dimes to the beta losers.

Please PM me and I will give you the information to send me the money for my private jet!
Feel like I heard Stern making fun of this dude a long time ago about this
Feel like I heard Stern making fun of this dude a long time ago about this
This isn't the first guy to do this type of thing. There are many idiots that will send money to these assholes.

Right when I saw the thread title I knew it would be about duplantis or his mentor Kenneth Copeland.

Copeland started this whole private jet thing, but he already has one so it makes sense that duplantis would be the one going after it this time.

Duplantis is a pretty funny preacher. I'd rather him have a jet than Joel Osteen.

Of course if there is a hell then they're all going to burn there.
Hey guys. I need a jet too. I need to spread the gospel that is Sherdog. Where everyone will be able to bench teh 275, learn the proper way to throw a jab, fill the room with uppercuts, be groundhog experts, and everyone will be banging L.A. 10's and leave those Boise dimes to the beta losers.

Please PM me and I will give you the information to send me the money for my private jet!

Sounds like heresy to me....

There is only one true religion on Sherdog, and his name is JUST BLEED God.
These fucking people... Last year I got sent on some management/business seminar by my boss (who's a member of one of these popular, almost cult-like megachurches) I said what the hell.

Never will I go to that shit again. They had interviews with some big business types including some chick from Facebook, and every single one of them had to incorporate God into how they manage people. They'd have interludes of Christian music and opened and ended with a prayer.

Now, I consider myself religious...but when the head pastor gave his speech and claimed he was a poor man but rich in spirit, I looked up his salary. $89k and that's not including books and other shit he sold on the side, which I'm guessing is another 50k at least. And at 200 bucks a day per person from this worldwide seminar PLUS they passed around baskets asking for MORE the was like an 8 hour church session with WWJD being the "business management" part.

First off, that's far from poor. Second, the guy just resigned amid sexual misconduct allegations. FFS, he was Clintons "spiritual adviser" during the Monica Lewinsky thing. I mean come on. He had fraud written all over him. But the other people were clearly followers of his and blinded to his scam and ate it up because they buy all this shit. And I can guarantee not a single one advanced their business because of it.

I mean think about it - if you don't need help managing your business, you don't NEED to pay to learn the basics. If you're so desperate that you'll pay $25 an hour for a seminar, you're beyond help. Talk about taking advantage of people. This is why I hate church.
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