
devastatingly interesting m8

and by interesting, I mean boring as fok

incoming 5 page thread about how shorter people can get laid as well,
It’s not even needed. The fact that short people still exist is proof that short guys can get laid. Unless everyone under 6’ is a rapist.
I'm 185cm, which is a tad taller than 6ft. I've got short friends and it's always harder for them.

Saying that, I have one short friend who is around 5"7 who bangs more girls than I do. He's easily in the thousands also and bangs 5+ girls a week every week. Fun times when we travel.
Lol.., yup, I’m short, It sucks sometimes..,


In the end, I just have to up my game.
Only perverted or desperate men like fat women.
Women are attractive because they have large areas of fat, which directly correlated with being a good mother like having wide hips, also why Venus figurines representing femininity are the most common original artifact of human civilization

wanting a woman to be thin and muscular might also be related to wanting a women to have a cock and balls
Women are attractive because they have large areas of fat, which directly correlated with being a good mother like having wide hips, also why Venus figurines representing femininity are the most common original artifact of human civilization

wanting a woman to be thin and muscular might also be related to wanting a women to have a cock and balls
She's all yours, player:

heY YoU GUys, I havE ThIs friEnd; hE's 5'1 bUt He getS moRE Tail THAn any gUy i'Ve eVER sEEn. HE has SO mUCH cONfIDEnCe... conFiDENcE thAT IS the kEY. moST short gUyS doN'T geT gIRlS bEcauSE THeY'rE InseCuRE, aND Like sharks In The WATER, women cAn SEnSE iNsECuRity. he dAtes 5'11 SUPermOdeLS anD nEveR stoPS to thinK aBoUt thE HeIgHT dIFFeRenCe BetWEeN thEm. HE's HAD girlS WHO SWORE tHey'd neVer evEr datE a gUy BElOW 6'0 TaLL NoT oNLy sleEp WiTh Him BUT havE loNG TeRM RElATIonshIPs WItH him. he's juSt ChaRmiNg, eNgaGinG, AnD coMFOrTabLE In HiS oWN SKIn.

sO yOU can cry aBout It ON A GuNG fu FoRUm, Or YOU cAn starT BeinG comfOrtablE iN youR own sKin.

the CHOICe iS yoURS! :cool:

Bruh, whats with the caps?
I'm so fucking tired of listening to all you fucking little bitches complain about this.

Women are shallow. No fucking shit... so are we men. It's an on going joke that dickless idiots bitch about a womans Elbow!!!! Daily on here.

So shut your dumb pussy mouth. I live with a guy who is like 5'5 and I've seen him get two girls this week. And come try and talk shit you'll get a fucking loaded gun to the face. Dont be a little bitch it ain't that hard to get laid. Dumbass pussies I swear
Eh, I see plenty of shorter guys with decent looking women.

Fat dudes too.

Women generally have certain physical characteristics they prefer, obviously. But they're far more likely than men to look past that to character traits.

#1 put off for women as far as I can see is being a weird dude who is poorly socialised. It makes them feel uneasy at best, and unsafe at worst.
Hey hey I am a 5'9 manlet and never had an issue attractive women because I am good looking and charismatic.

Have met a fuckload of ugly, awkward 6'1 dudes in my life who had it much, much worse than me.

Moral of the story to all the tall, ugly undesirable dudes ITT: I trust some of you at least know your situation.


Nobody cares Shortround.
You know man I know its brash but it's the damn truth and I honestly believe that it some of these "men" on here would listen to real advice they could get what they crave.

I've got a million problems in my life but getting pussy ain't one. I honestly feel for these people. Get the fuck off the internet and learn some game. It's sad to see, some people just do no have it in them.

If you view my other page I'm on the damn plank. I'm fucked. My life sucks, I'm going to rehab. But dont sit here and act like you cant get any booty because you didnt grow enough.

That's straight bullshit. I've been damn near homeless and getting that snatch you morons just dont know. I'm tired about reading it.

And I'm not bullshitting. If I can preach something that makes one of you bitches learn to man up and get some tail instead of making these threads then i will do so
I'm so fucking tired of listening to all you fucking little bitches complain about this.

Women are shallow. No fucking shit... so are we men. It's an on going joke that dickless idiots bitch about a womans Elbow!!!! Daily on here.

So shut your dumb pussy mouth. I live with a guy who is like 5'5 and I've seen him get two girls this week. And come try and talk shit you'll get a fucking loaded gun to the face. Dont be a little bitch it ain't that hard to get laid. Dumbass pussies I swear
You want to put a loaded gun in someones face cause they talk shit on the internet? Someone been touched.