Bruno Frazatto - Complete Guard Passing Encyclopedia


Blue Belt
Nov 5, 2010
Reaction score
F12 it's been a while! Thank you everyone for the support through the years.

We just released a new instructional DVD that we are super proud of --- Bruno Frazatto: Complete Guard Passing Encyclopedia

We keep our prices reasonable and not price gouge our fans. As of this post, we have a sale on this instructional. Click Here to go to the landing page or go to As always, with every DVD purchase, you will get immediate access to the on-demand version.

If you have any comments/reviews/questiosn please make it on this thread and we'll try to answer as many of them as possible.

Stay tuned for some free lessons from this great instructional.

I have to say, we're really living in the golden age of bjj instructionals
I liked Frazatto's "Blackbelt Guard Passing Secrets" so I will be sure to check out this.
I have to say, we're really living in the golden age of bjj instructionals
Yeah I can't even fathom the cost and complexity of making an instructional for BJJ pre-digital.
I like it a lot. Lots of the same moves but for several guard types and in combinations. Reinforces getting good at the couple of passes but from many common spots and how to chain them together.
I have every Bruno instructional ever created, and he's awesome in every one.