Hey guys I broke my nose a long long time ago (prob 6 years ago when I was little kid) got deviated septum surgery cause I couldn't breath out of one nostril and they did a crap ass job and it is just as bad. Now I've gotten into Martial arts and we are full contact sparring with helmet gloves pads etc. etc. and I'm REALLY worried about 2 things. One being my nose is rather large and i really don't want to break it/ make it look worse cause im a deascent looking kid and rather not change that. I mean I got bumped on the nose today and it scared the crap outta me. The other is I can't breath outta my nose espcially since I got allergies year round (well I can just not heavy) Is there a mouth guard or something I can buy/do so that I can easily breath outta my mouth without getting hurt. Thank you guys