

Jul 11, 2016
Reaction score
You fight like a scared, pillow-fisted pussy bitch. Quit flexing.

Stipe would sleep your bum ass

Flabby, post-USADA Reem would sleep your bum ass

Gustafsson at HW would sleep your bum ass.

Jones could jump in the octagon after downing a 20" pizza & 2-liter coke. He would still sleep your bum ass.

When Dana blindly gifts you a TS, we all know you're gonna dryhump the shit out of DC's leg because you're a meathead with no hands. Unlike Hunto, DC doesn't have the TDD of a garden gnome. He would sleep your bum ass



INB4 you get your ass kicked by diverticulitis, again, you old bag.
It is his prerogative to get beaten up if he desires so.
You're salty and you don't understand wolf tickets. Stop it.
I don't get how people can hype Brock, the guy is gonna come in saggy as hell with his traps coming down to his chest and his pecs hanging down to his knees. He'll be so fragile off the juice that it'll be a waste of time to see DC smash him.
You're salty and you don't understand wolf tickets. Stop it.
Hey man I agree. Any fight where Brock doesn't get his ass kicked is a shitfest because he fights like a one dimensional pussy. Idk what wwe freakshow is being sold here; it ain't a superfight. Just wolf tickets like you said.