Bret Weinstein Testifies to Congress on The Evergreen State College riots, Free Speech & Safe Spaces

Weinstein’s a peddling SJW boogeyman salesman? Maybe you’re not familiar with him?

I know exactly who he is. I was addressing his posture on these issues in isolation. I am not calling the quality of his professional career into question. I understand he is not a Milo.

Also realize that I am in lockstep agreement with virtually everything Weinstein and Peterson are saying about the need for free speech protections from politically correct culture warriors.

My (strong) disagreements with them revolve around where they place this (legitimate) concern in the hierarchy of societal threats facing the US today. That's why I referred to them as drama queens. They possess an absurdly myopic view, a Chicken Little-ism, relative to this particular issue.

And, yeah, harping on this particular issue is getting them a lot of cash and notoriety, too. Which may be fueling their disconnection from reality.

So three American individuals possess more wealth than the entire bottom half of the population combined.

If two possessed that much, or one, would that meet your golden threshold of "catastrophic"?

Or if these three possessed, instead of the totality of the bottom 50%, the bottom 60%? Or 75%? Is there any point at which things would really start to get "dicey" in your enlightened opinion?

What's pathetic is that guys like you cry about leftist culture warriors and the threat to free speech but are blind to the fact that it just takes as few as three people with this type of economic power owning and controlling your access to both an audience and a marketplace to effectively banish you from equal participation in the society relative to those they deem politically and culturally "approved".

We are already seeing the game in play with guys like Bezos, Zuckerberg and Dorsey.

Wake the fuck up.
The bezos zuck arguments strikes me as a tough one to sell.

On one hand, sure it’s nuts they have more money than tens of millions of people combined. However, that wealth is in the ownership of companies they founded which have added tremendously to the economy.

What do you do? Make them sell off their equity? I’m not sure how you overcome the disparity.
The applications to that college are wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy down.

Like many of the most Radical Left Wing colleges, their attendance is falling through the floor. Many are having to close dorms.

Liberals suck at being tolerant of other view points.
The bezos zuck arguments strikes me as a tough one to sell.

On one hand, sure it’s nuts they have more money than tens of millions of people combined. However, that wealth is in the ownership of companies they founded which have added tremendously to the economy.

What do you do? Make them sell off their equity? I’m not sure how you overcome the disparity.

It’s just their value, it’s not like they have that in the bank.
A couple of more points on watching it again:

1. It's good to hear that the enrollment in Evergreen College is way down, seemingly since Weinstein's lynching (for lack of a better word, unfortunately).

2. Weinstein does nicely connect the dots, that the future of the U.S.' competitiveness is directly impacted by succumbing or not succumbing to political correctness (he uses the example of teaching biology in it's completeness).

Weinstein using biology as an example of a field being impacted by political correctness when we have an uncomfortable amount of people that think the ToE isn't valid is hilarious.

Kinda like worrying about leaving the stove on when the house is on fire.
No. But I have been to parts of Seattle.


When we start looking like the shit I've seen in Jamaica, India, Honduras, & Belize then we've crossed the threshold of catastrophic in my mind. Some extra homeless people here and there don't really reach that level.
When we start looking like the shit I've seen in Jamaica, India, Honduras, & Belize then we've crossed the threshold of catastrophic in my mind. Some extra homeless people here and there don't really reach that level.

You're confusing levels and degrees of poverty with levels of wealth inequality. Two entirely different forms of threat to a human society.

It's as ignorant as saying, "I'll know it's time to start treating my brain cancer when I am diagnosed with Alzheimer's."

Also, extreme poverty is rarely ever the result of conscious human engineering. It is rarely ever inflicted on one group of people by another. Whereas wealth inequality always is as it's entirely dependent on the resource distribution mechanism selected and incorporated by those who control a government.
Bret helped create that vile stew of social idiocy the college is infested with by helping those fringe social programs, philosophies and demands to take root and thrive. Then when he didn't want to go all in and drink the coolaid they turned on him and he suddenly found it wasn't so fun, so nice, so friendly.

Fuck that guy.

Social progressivism has no friends only partisans, mental cults and drones.

Fuck that guy.
Down with Nevergreen. Joke of a college.